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Reflections on the 66th Teacher's Day 0

We are not leveraging the various practices of violence against students if the teacher then forced to say that the practice had been digested anti-human learners from attending school.
Will teachers in Indonesia continues to have a place in the hearts of the people? Or will the teacher remain only as the unsung heroes throughout his life. Age was 66 years of Indonesian teachers. As is known, as a tribute to teachers and also PGRI, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through Presidential Decree Number 78 Year 1994 set on 25 November, which is also the birthday of PGRI, as National Teacher Day, which is then established through Act No. 14 of 2005 on the Teachers and the Lecturers.
Since 1994 every November 25th is celebrated as National Teacher Day and Day Birthdays PGRI together. So what would direnungi for a profession that was once frequently underestimated it?
Step-by-step improvement of teachers actually been going on since the world of education get the 'reward' with 20% of state budget allocations. Professional teacher had been proclaimed by the teacher certification process. Even for the improvement of teacher certification for the year 2012 the government will implement the four issues of determination of the participants through the online system, competency testing, ranking starting from age, years of service, class, and scheduling.
On the other hand, society has set a high benchmark of professionalism of teachers. Teachers are required to continue to develop themselves, honing insights and continue to search for the best teaching methods in order to equip their students with a keen vision and science that promises so brilliant future students. Standardization is sometimes burdensome as well as whip that always makes the teacher must understand the wishes of the people.
Not infrequently, when a brawl antarpelajar bloom, free sex behaviors are increasingly worried about, the people directly accused as the cause because ketidakprofesional teacher educators. But the problem how teachers can meet the standards of professionalism as expected while the uncertain fate of the teachers themselves? Not a secret anymore that teacher salaries are low.
Increasing standardization of course not with the teacher gave him a life expectancy of more assured. The case of teachers sell books, teachers 'nyambi' so rickshaw pullers, transportation drivers, for example, of course, is related to their inability to carry large loads with small opinion. But the professionalism of teachers should also be seen from the philosophy of humanity that they entailed.
As the giver of knowledge, the teacher certainly has characteristics typical of other professions in the country. Because of the distinctive character of the so teachers regarded as a demigod. The teacher is a profession that has existed since the history of human civilization there. Teachers believed to be the guarantor of the continuity of one's own civilization. The teacher is a facilitator of knowledge and ketauladanan. The teacher was not just digugu and imitated.
As teacher educators would be required to fully understand the philosophy of teaching. Teaching philosophy is one very important component in the portfolio of a teacher. Teachers who have a philosophy of teaching, clearly have clear signs that in conducting their duties. Teaching philosophy can be analogous to "the State", because in philosophy are included all aspects of the ideal of a teacher and planned efforts to achieve these teachers in the implementation of daily tasks.
In the midst of the demands of professionalism, we still need for additional personnel in an effort to advance the teachers' civilization forward. The shortage of teachers every year always appears as another problem of our education. The ratio of teachers to the number of students is still very much inadequate. UNESCO launched the news even today the world needs 8.2 million teachers to universal primary education is the condition of a teacher teaching 40 students in one class, can be achieved.
In Indonesia, as the data reported by the Ministry of National Education requires at least 70 thousand teachers are professionals every year to be met mainly from 2011 to 2014. Currently, the total teachers in Indonesia as many as 2.7 million. Of these, 1.5 million or 57.4% of which has not qualified degree or diploma four (S1/D4).
This condition is then compounded by the intelligent and creative learning process that is still not owned by the teachers. Since the system of Students Active Learning Method (CBSA) is used until the 2004 curriculum and the curriculum in 2006, only a small part of teachers to implement student learning intelligent and creative. Even alternation of the curriculum in a short time, also be a factor the failure of education in Indonesia. Of course not over until the failure of a curriculum curriculum improvement is a new burden for students. It also followed by a national examination system which makes dishonesty as a part of the learning process.
Attempts to give birth professional teachers who are not denying the need for significant changes to the concept of teaching that had been understood. As it is known that the problem of teaching in the country continued to struggle in one direction even though the terminology of two-way communication system has been initiated long ago. The problem is not merely because of the teaching-learning process takes place in the direction of the maximum but not the role of the teacher to inspire humanity to the students.
We are not leveraging the various practices of violence against students if the teacher then forced to say that the practice had been digested anti-human learners from attending school. Of course, such behavior is quite contrary to the Convention on the Rights of the Child as written in article 28 (2) that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child's human dignity. Furthermore, Article 37 (a) states no child can be subjected to persecution, or other cruel treatment, inhuman or degrading punishment. Cases of violence against students and teachers become a stumbling block that makes the public trust educators to be reduced. Perhaps because one of the factors that also then the parents have some education at home.
The complexity and demands of the load was given to the shoulders of teachers in Indonesia so that the moment of the day teachers this year should not pass without meaning. In our teacher put the fate of the nation's children and the teachers all repairs are started. We should be equally giving extra attention to the teaching profession that does not happen in the misguided view that they practice learning model. If all people believe in goodness, they must be that teachers have and are working on. Tell the teacher we now hope!

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