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Indonesian language and the Era of Globalization 0

History records that Indonesian-Malay came from Riau, one of the regional languages ​​in the area of ​​Sumatra. Riau Malay language is raised by the youth on "Pemoeda Congress", October 28, 1928, in Solo, the Indonesian language. Appointment and naming bahasaMelayu-Riau into Indonesian by the youth at the time it was more "political" rather than "linguistic nature". However, to realize a sense of national unity of Indonesia, Indonesia at that time parapemuda "politically" said Malay- IAU into the Indonesian language. The name Indonesia was regarded language can radiate inspiration and spirit of nationalism, not the name of the Malay language that smelled of regionalism. Pledge known as the "Soempah Pemoeda" is the third item reads "We poetera-poeteri Indonesia, high mendjoendjoeng language unity, the Indonesian language" (Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the national language, Indonesian language). In carrying out its mission, the Indonesian language continues to evolve with the needs and development of the Indonesian nation, although there are encouraging developments and there is a sad and dangerous development, this development is indeed a duality of the dynamics and consequences of a living language, however, because the Indonesian as a language that already ditahkikkan by the Indonesian people in high places, he must be cultivated and sown with good and full of responsibility so that he could really be a "mirror" the nation of Indonesia. As a result, Indonesian users feel apathetic or indifferent look great restrictions on when it's Indonesian. As if the Indonesian would not be able to be a language of science. The penajajh when it does want such an Indonesian so that users feel themselves useless to learn and master the Indonesian language. People Indonesia when it was more educated and respectable aoabila mastered the Dutch language very well. Indonesian people do not feel shy if not properly controlled Indonesian, tetapu will feel something is missing when tidk mastered the Dutch language very well. Consequently, not many people in Indonesia who want to learn Indonesian with a serious and quite mastered Indonesian perfunctory for communication umum.Apabila someone using Indonesian language through oral and pronunciation can be expected or can be known from the tribe to which it belongs, then that person is not a pronunciation pronunciation standard Indonesian.In other words, the words of Indonesian language should be free from the influence of asig pronunciation and / or local pronunciations. Difficulties experienced by most users Indonesian language is so far not been compiled pronunciation dictionary complete Indonesian language. As a result, until now no clear adapatokan for sensitive word pronunciation, terrace, war, systems, eagle. However, pronunciation semangkin (for more), mengharapken (to expect), all (for all), why (for why), thenthu (for sure), therima kaseh (for thank you), mBandung (untuki Bandung), and nDemak ( for Demak) is not a standard pronunciation Indonesian language. Position and Function Formally Indonesian Indonesian to date has four positions, namely as the national language, national language, country, and official languages. In further development, the Indonesian language had lowered himself as the language of culture and language of science. Due to the inclusion of the Indonesian language in Chapter XV, Article 36, the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian language was then located as the language of culture and language of science. In addition, as the state language and official language. In relation to the language of culture, the Indonesian language is the only tool that makes it possible to foster and develop national culture in such a way that Indonesian has characteristics and its own identity, which distinguishes it from the regional culture. Indonesian currently used as a tool to express all the social values ​​of national culture. In this situation Indonesian has been running his position as a cultural language. In addition, in his capacity as the language of science, the Indonesian language serves as a language support pengetahuna science and technology (science) for the sake of national development.
Sources: # ixzz1esY7YbjR

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