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" =======If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for==============The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.==============Home is the place where we grumble the most, but are often treated the best============== "

Government of Indonesia to build the home culture 0

Spinix Cyber | 11.22 |

Jogjakarta - The government plans to build a House of Culture of Indonesia abroad, especially in strategic countries, said Deputy Minister of National Education and Cultural Affairs Culture Wiendu Nuryanti.
"We will be present in these countries are seen as strategic by the Culture House Indonesia, for example in Japan and the United States," said Wiendu Nuryanti at Prambanan, Yogyakarta Special Region, on Friday.
According to him, in the House of Culture of Indonesia abroad Indonesia's cultural diversity to be found among other traditional dances, including the book culture of the archipelago.
"So through the Culture House Indonesia is expected to introduce and communicate the culture of Indonesia in foreign countries," he said.
According to him, the construction of Indonesia's Culture House is part of a strategy of cultural diplomacy.
"Foreign country had been implementing development diplomsi cultural institutions are now many examples of foreign culture into Indonesia. For example in Yogyakarta is Indonesia-France Institute (LIP), "he said.
He said foreign cultural institutions as a form of presence of foreign cultures in Indonesia. Therefore, if Indonesia is felt to have diverse and rich in various kinds of culture it wants to be known outside negari, must be communicated.
"Efforts to communicate the culture of Indonesia to the outside world must pass through a strategy of cultural diplomacy in which the culture of Indonesia in building houses a number of strategic countries," said Wiendu.
Alluding to cultural development, he said, it's time to do innovation culture. For example, if the Prambanan Temple which was built in the 9th century as a cultural heritage trail ancestors, the present generation should have to abandon the results of any culture to future generations.
"Therefore it is important to encourage and support cultural innovation to be the remains to future generations," he said.
He said the culture of innovation means that the government will support and encourage the younger generation in the cultured. Means that culture is a form of human expression that will be a work.
"Young people do need to be encouraged to cultured so that later can also leave a legacy of culture," he said.
According to him, building a culture must perform human resource development of culture, such as dancers, puppeteers, and sinden has not been a culture of professional certification.
"So, they will have difficulty ika will seek overseas work because they do not have
evidence of competence. For that, we will facilitate them to get certified, "he said.
He said that cultural workers have a stake in building a culture of Indonesia. However, their existence is not necessarily the formal school but can be self-taught art and culture they live so u make adjustments if the certificate has been issued.
Certificates for cultural workers will be issued in early 2012 for the condition of their competence. During this cultural workers sertifiksi competence has never existed.
"Institutions film sensor must also be certified because they have a responsibility in maintaining the cultural milestone Indonesia," he said.(U.H008/N002)

Mother's Day and One Hundred Thousand Domestic Violence Cases 0

Spinix Cyber | 10.49 | - Mother's Day falls on December 22 not only serve as an annual event. Rather, it should really give credit for liberating the mother from the various forms of violence, whether physical, psychological, economic and sexual.
According to the National Commission on Women Commissioner for Education, Research and Community Participation, Neng Dara Affiah, now the wife and mother has not been liberated from violence, especially domestic violence.
Notes Annual National Commission for Women in 2010, of a total of 105,103 cases of violence against women, 96 percent, or 101,128 cases were female victims of domestic violence (domestic violence).
Meanwhile, the National Commission for Women documentation since the year 1998-2010 shows 1 / 4 or 93,960 cases were cases of sexual violence in the form of rape, sexual harassment, trafficking in women for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and so on.
"The case is now rife and the event is repeated rape in city transportation. This should be an important concern of government, especially the fulfillment of justice and restoration for women victims and give legal sanction in kind for the perpetrators," said Neng Dara in his press statement received by, Thursday, December 22, 2011.
If violence against women is still very strong in the surrounding community, the empowerment of women will be very difficult. Because, says Dara, a prerequisite for the helpless women are freed from violence in any form.
"Violence against women is a mental impact on depression and acute mental fragility, low problem-solving ability, the desire to commit suicide or kill the perpetrators. Physically too he will impact the reproductive health problems of women," he explained.
Dara explains, the mother and the women not only have an important role in life, but in the context of public and nationality.
"Mother's Day is a day where numerous women's organizations gathered in 1928 and did I Women's Congress which was attended by 1000 people to declare the struggle against colonialism, thinking about the concept of nation state and usher in what is referred to as the era of National Awakening," he explained.
An important role here, according to Dara, who is often forgotten by the nation's history and the next generation as if the women and the mothers do not have a significant contribution in the national revival movement and the formation of Indonesia as a nation state.
"Warning Mother's Day tends to forget its history and meaning of which emerges precisely seremoninya," he said.

philosophical Gunungan 0

Spinix Cyber | 10.17 |

In every shadow puppet performances are always displayed mountains, which contained five square shaped images or symbols in it. This mound is usually displayed in a variety of games such as the wayang puppet purwa, Gedog puppets, puppets this point, puppet show, puppet torches and so on.
Mound has two types, namely Gunungan Blumbangan (female) and Gunungan Gapuran (male). Behind these mountains can be seen Blumbangan sunggingan depicting the fire was burning. This is candrasengkalan which reads "geni dadi sucining universe" that has meaning beyond 3441 and into 1443 when the Saka year. That means that these mountains were created by Sunan Kalijaga in Saka 1443 = AD 1521 during pemarintahan Raden Patah. Gunugnan Gapuran (Gate) itself is used in the reign of Suushunan Pakubuwono 2, with sengkalan "gate five retuning of the earth" 1659 J = 1734 AD
Called the mountains because the mountain is shaped like a tapered upper end. This mound in the legend contains sangkan Paraning dumadi myth, namely the origin of life and is also called Kayon. Kayon word symbolizes all life contained in the universe, which has three levels namely:
Tuwuh planting (trees) found on the mountains, which people interpret the Kalpataru tree, tree of life that has meaning.
Paintings of animals contained in these mountains depict animals contained in the land of Java.
Human life was depicted on the glass door of the gate on Kayon, now only in the prologue to mastermind it.
Kayon or mountains are usually placed in the hands of sometimes besides that it has several meanings, the meaning of laid there three mountains namely:

Used in the opening and closing, as well as the screen is opened and closed in stage plays.
As a sign for the turn of the rows (scene / chapter).
Used to describe the trees, wind, ocean, mountain, thunder, lightning, helping to create a certain effect (disappear / change shape).
Mound is a symbol of life, so every image in it symbolizes the whole universe and its contents ranging from humans to animals and forests, and equipment. Gunungan terms of pentagon shape, pentagon has a meaning that was five times that must be done by religion as for the form of mountains tapering to the top it symbolizes that human life is to the one above that is God Almighty.
In Kayon there are carvings or drawings that include:

House or a beautiful hall with a floor of a three-story symbolizes a home or country in which there is a safe, peaceful and happy.
Two giant twin gear complete with sword and shield guard. interpreted that these images of natural guardian symbolizes the dark and bright
Two twin winged dragon with two tails out at the end of Kayon.
Figure fertile jungle filled with a large timber with its animal.
Ilu Ilu-Banaspati image symbolizes that life in this world many temptations, trials, challenges and dangers that threaten every moment to human safety.
Large tree that big snake wrapped high with his head turned to right.
Two makara head amid the tree symbolizes the human being in everyday life has a greedy nature, evil like the devil.
Two-tailed macaques and langurs were playing in the tree and two chickens were fighting forest above the trees, tiger face with a bull.
Describing human behavior.
Kebo = lazy
Monkey = greedy
Sneaky snake =
Bull = symbol of the spirit, earth elements, with the nature of power lust aluamah
Tiger = symbol of spirit, strength properties of elements of fire with lust anger, emotional, grumpy
Dragon = symbol of the Spirit, the water element to the nature of the power of lust sufiah
Eagle = symbol of the Spirit, air elements to the nature of power lust Muthmainah.

Picture a giant crater condrodimuka used as a symbol, as for when connected with human life in the world as a symbol or a message to the soul who sins will be put into hell full of torment.
Figure ocean in the mountains on shadow puppets symbolizing the mind
Picture of fire is a symbol of a fundamental human need, because in everyday life will need it.
7 steps: means the purpose or pitutur (notices) that we are all called to live must die "dha rice Kullu ikhotul death".
Gate / door manangkep cello: the nature of the grave that we are headed.
Tree of life: a person's life path that is straight and has 4 children branches which became the symbol of our passion and many subsidiaries.
While the forms of philosophy is: the form of mountains of the left ventricle itself resembles a porch that is in our bodies, it may have a meaning if we have to keep whatever is in our hearts only to the creator. And a more severe form is in terms of the precision with "mustoko" above the mosque there are many in our country. it is symbolic of sipembuat for us to keep our hearts secar straight (like trees) to the mosque / religious / god.
Mound could be interpreted pancer emblem, the soul or spirit, is a triangular shape implies that humans are composed of elements of creativity, taste and intention. While drawing a rectangle symbol symbol sedulur papat of elements earth, fire, water, air.
Gunungan or Kayon a natural symbol for the puppet, according to Hindu belief, the macrocosm mountains that are twisted around by the mastermind, described the process of mixing of the objects to be one and the realization of nature and its contents. These objects are called Panca Maha Bhuta, five substances namely: Banu (air-devil-rays), Bani (Brahma-fire), Banyu (water), Bayu (wind), and Bantala (earth ground).
Makara contained in Kalpataru trees in these mountains means Brahmin first, which means that the seed of life of Brahma. Lotus flower paintings found on the base with (foundation pillars) gate, has a sense of place (where) the lives of Sang Hyang Vishnu, namely the growth of living.
Brahma first gathering of the Padma at first and then became one with the four elements, namely juice is described as a lightning fire, earth juice is described by the ground beneath the gate, water and juice are pictured with roof arch depicting the choppy water.
Of the five substances are mixed together and the realization of human rough body consisting of Bani, Banyu, Bayu, and Bantala, while Banu is the main food substances.
Java did hold a wide range of culturally diverse and store a variety of meaning contained in each item, we do not even realize something we grasp even now it also contains a very large philosophical meaning if we want more nefarious.
With the picture above I somewhat know what the philosophical challenge of the mountains are there in the puppet. In terms of form and the value contained in the puppets and the picture is in it. When and who created these mountains, the function of mountains in the game puppet.
With the name of the Republic of Indonesia let us preserve the culture in Indonesia. No more violence in addressing the problem, we as a virtuous nation should be an example for other States. If not we as a nation of children who will?
Everything in Indonesia I like. Country rich in culture, friendly people, uphold the values ​​of togetherness, a beautiful environment, cool, beautiful, which is certainly not inferior to foreign affairs, not necessary to me around the WORLD (Gita says Velasquez) I LOVE INDONESIA ...
From the above description, for me personally studied philosophy capable of making me be wise in looking at everything that exists in this world without giving up the rules to Islamization are there to be a more sensible in meaning and live it. Also after studying philosophy, I learned that everything that exists in this world will always be in touch though in different forms but all of them if we want to dig deeper then everything will be back on a single source of Allah SWT.

Punakawan Pandawa 0

Spinix Cyber | 10.09 |

1. Punakawan is a typical character in a puppet Indonesia. They represent the average person. Character indicates a variety of roles, such as the knights advisers, entertainers, social critic, clowns and even a source of truth and policy. In Javanese wayang clown-servant character consists of Semar, Gareng, Bagong, and Petruk. In Balinese puppet clown-servant character consists of Malen and Merdah (servant of the Pandavas) and Delem and Sangut (servant of the Kauravas)

2. Semar is a caregiver of Pendawa. Once, he was also named Hyang Ismaya. Mekipun his ugly human form, he has a very high magic power even beyond the gods.
3. Gareng was the son Semar meaning or obtained by worshiping idols. Nalagareng is not a good talker, what he says sometimes go awry. But he is very funny and ridiculous. He never became king in Paranggumiwang and named Pandubergola. He was appointed as a king in the name of Goddess Sumbadra. He is very powerful and can only be defeated by Petruk

4. Cumbersome means shadow Semar. Once when relegated to the world, God says in Semar that bayangannyalah who would become his friend. Instantly transformed into Bagong shadow. It has a sassy cumbersome nature and like to play dumb. He is also very funny.

5. Petruk sweet-faced child Semar with an engaging smile, talking panda, and also very funny. He likes to joke insinuating untruth in-joke. Petruk had become king in the land and named Helgeduelbek Ngrancang Kencana. Narrated he ran ajimat Kalimasada. No one can beat him besides Gareng

Blora regency degree-Cultural Carnival Arts 0

Spinix Cyber | 09.56 |

BLORA, Regency, Central Java, held a carnival arts and culture, Saturday (17/12/2011). Carnival in order memeringati anniversary Blora District-262 involves artists and students of junior high / high school.

Carnival starts from Regency Square Regency Office Blora toward Blora. The participants display art and culture typical of Blora, like Barongan, Lamporan, and Tayub.

There is also a typical Blora presenting the economic potential, such as agriculture and forestry. They also insert a message of environmental conservation and agriculture.

"Through these activities, we would like to invite artists, students, and communities to preserve the art Blora Blora typical," said Head of Cultural Department of Transportation, Tourism, Culture, Communication, and Information District Blora, Suntoyo.


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